Barrack Hill (Phase 1) Carndonagh

Closed16 Oct, 2023, 09:00 - 18 Dec, 2023, 16:30

Planning and Development (Section 179A) Regulations 2001 - 2023.

At Barrack Hill Carndonagh, Co. Donegal


Donegal County Council proposes to carry out the following development: Construction of 12 no. 2 bedroom 2-storey, 6 no. 3 bedroom 2-storey and 3 no 4 bedroom 2-storey social housing units at Barrack Hill Carndonagh, complete with wastewater connection to the mains, landscaping, car parking, access road, storm water attenuation and all associated site works.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection (or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy) in the below Council building.

The Carndonagh Public Service Centre, Donegal County Council, Malin Road, Carndonagh, Co. Donegal, F93 YV1N.

The plans and particulars are also available for inspection on the Council’s website -

Please note, in accordance with the above regulations, there is no provision for submissions or observations with respect to this proposed development.